Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hello, My name is Jessica Hardy and this blog is going to be about my horse that I just bought.  I grew up on my grandfathers farm riding and selling his horses since I was itty, bitty.  He buys the horses, I ride them and then resell them.  I have ridden and sold so many horses I could never count them.  The longest I would have a horse is a few years and then when someone would make an offer on that horse he or she was gone.  Tango, is the very first horse I have ever owned that is mine.  I bought him and my grandfather cannot sell him.  He is a Palomino Paint, he is four years old, and extremely onry.  He does have some previous training, but also has a lot of bad habits that need to be worked out.  This blog is going to be about Tango and I's adventure together, learning and growing with one another.


  1. What a neat "pet" project! Love Tango and love him more for being a handful. Congratulations on your very own horse.

  2. Thank you very much!! He is a handful but definitely worth it!!

  3. That is really awesome! I plan to take some horseback riding lessons this summer. I can't wait!
